Wednesday, March 21, 2012

School Life

Home work after Qs lesson

Someone taught me how to type my name using calculator (:

It's gonna be mad tired rushing to school after work, well it's the 3rd weeks of school already. Thought that teacher in PSB will be a great one but it disappoint me in many ways. They speak darn fast & you gotta catch up with their pace. But it's really stupid that a teacher who doesn't have the intention to repeat what she have gone through before hand & yet she still can say "too bad, so sad"& also the reason she gave us is b'cos she is lazy..

If she is lazy then why does she teach? Sigh, i think i really need find times to revive everything again. I'm gonna flunk badly this time ): Both teacher teach like as if they are driving a sportcar, go darn fast. Sigh exam is just next month, & i have got no time to study ): projects deadline in 2 weeks time. Way too stress!

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